Kursupplägg, magister Mat- och måltidsvetenskap
Så här ser kursupplägget ut beroende på om du väljer att läsa på halvfart på två år eller helfart på ett år.
The course of study for two years of half-time studies
Spring Semester first year
- The Complexity of Food Choice: The Public Meal from a Consumer Perspective
- Sustainable Food and Meals – Integrating Consumer and Production perspectives
Autumn Semester first year
Optional specialisation two courses.
Spring Semester second year
- Applied Statistics in the Health Sciences
- Food for Many: Interdisciplinary Approach and Methodology
Autumn Semester second year
Master Thesis in Food an Meal Science
Figuren visar kursupplägget för två års halvtidsstudier.
The course of study for one year of full-time studies
Spring Semester
- The Complexity of Food Choice: The Public Meal from a Consumer Perspective
- Sustainable Food and Meals – Integrating Consumer and Production perspectives
- Applied Statistics in the Health Sciences
- Food for Many: Interdisciplinary Approach and Methodology
Autumn Semester
- Master Thesis in Food an Meal Science
- Optional specialisation
Figuren visar kursupplägget för ett års heltidsstudier.