Call for papers OMEP conference
OMEP Sweden and Kristianstad University cordially invite all educators, researchers, teachers, students, policy makers and all professionals interested in the education and care of children from birth to eight years of age, to give their contribution to developing knowledge and experiences about Education for Sustainability and the quality of life in early childhood.
We invite you to submit an abstract in either of these forms
- oral presentation
- poster presentation
- symposium - self organised.
The data for your presentations/workshops may come from
- data from ‘good practice project’ from practitioners (own) practice as well as from
- data produced in research-based studies.
Themes of the conference are:
- Early childhood education and care for sustainability - play, teaching, learning and development.
- Conditions for research in ECE for ESD: theory, methodology and ethics.
- Quality aspects of organising for ESD in ECE – place, space, and time.
- Children’s health and well-being, education for peace.
Deadline for submissions: 15th January, 2024. Submission is closed!
Answer from Scientific Selection Committee: week 7, 2024