Guidelines for presenters and chairpersons OMEP 2024
Guidelines for presenters - Individual papers, Symposium and Posters
The conference program indicates the session, room and time for your presentation. It is found on this website from the beginning of March. The online program will be updated whenever changes occur.
Prepare a handout
All presenters are required to provide a written text, summary or powerpoint documentation of their presentation at the conference. Presenters should give one copy of this text to the Chairperson of their session.
In addition, to assist the audience, presenters are adviced to prepare a few handouts that covers the main points of the presentation. The presenter should be prepared to send out handouts afterwards if copies run out.
Audio Visual
Guest computers will be provided in all rooms. So please bring your powerpoint presentation on a USB memory stick. If you are presenting film or audio material, please check these out during the break before your session starts.
If you prefer to use your own laptop, please bring relevant adapters and check everything in good time before your session starts.
Individual paper session: 90 minutes
There will be three (3) individual papers in each session with similar themes.
Each presentation will have 15-20 minutes – followed by a short discussion.
There is a host in each room who is familiar with the University and the technical equipment.
Each presenter is asked to go to their allocated room 10 minutes before the session starts to check on the equipment and the order of presentations.
There will be an appointed chairperson for each session, who will keep an eye on the watch, making sure each presenter gets 15-20 minutes for the presentation.
Self-organised symposium: 90 minutes
Groups of researchers have organized a symposium including 2-4 papers around a common theme. They arrange their own moderator. However, there is a host nearby who is familiar with the University and the technical equipment to contact if necessary.
The presenters are asked to go to their allocated room 10 minutes before the session starts to check on the equipment and the order of presentations.
Poster presentations
Accepted posters will be displayed in building 7 during the whole conference.
Poster format is intended for a single presentation by one person or a small group.
You are kindly asked to bring your poster fully assembled and printed. There will be no possibility to print out on any larger formats at the conference. You are also asked to bring small handouts with your name, address, title and the main information of your poster.
The poster size is 110 x 75 cm or smaller. Please choose portrait format and keep in mind that font sizes should be big enough to allow your poster to be read from some distance. We suggest using a font size of 22 – 24 pt for texts and 60 – 70 pt for headings.
The posters will be displayed in the poster area situated in building 7 all THURSDAY 25th and Friday 26th and will be accessible at any time. The authors will be asked to be present next to their poster, on Thursday April 25th by 3.00-3.30 pm.
Guidelines for Chairpersons
Please make sure that you know where the room for the session is situated. All sessions have a host nearby who is familiar with the University. Please, go to the allocated room 15 minutes before your session starts and contact the host and the presenters.
Check that all the presenters are present. Introduce yourself and the three themes and presenters in your session. Each presenter has 20 minutes, followed by 5 minutes for questions and discussions. It is preferable that questions and discussion take place immediately after each presentation.
If unfortunately some presenters fail to turn up to the session, please agree with the audience and other speakers how the extra time should be used (it may involve an earlier finish, a break, or allowing longer time for each speaker).
Try to ensure that each speaker is given the same amount of time for the presentation and discussion of their paper.
Keep to time and please be firm when reminding speaker that their time is up.
Finally, thank the presenters at the end and encourage those who wish to engage the speakers in lengthy discussion to do so outside the room.
Please, remind people of the next events on the program and make announcements if requested.
Link to information if you wish to get in contact with the organising committe.