Incidents or accidents
Has an accident or near miss incident occurred? You will find important information here concerning what you as a student will need to do. A near miss is an undesired event or situation of an organisational, social or physical nature that could lead to health problems, illness or an accident. This could be an incident where someone could have been injured even if they were not. Near miss incidents can be of a minor nature or more severe.
It can be difficult to distinguish between a near miss and an accident, however one way to describe the difference is to relate them to the expressions “Oops!” and “Ouch!”
Near miss – Oops!
Something happens that could have caused injury or harm, but nobody is injured or becomes ill due to the incident. If there is an event of a near miss incident, or you detect a risk to safety, it is important that you as a student report this, so the University can actively take measures to prevent health issues and potential accidents. Incident Notification.
Accident – Ouch!
Something occurs and directly causes a personal injury or illness. If the same situation as described above causes an injury, this is regarded as an accident. That which is deemed an accident for one person, can also be a near miss for someone else.
It is important that when an accident occurs, you as a student report it, so that the University can actively take measures to prevent health issues and accidents in the future. Injury Report.