The content of study programmes and courses is described in programme syllabi and course syllabi. It is important that you read these documents before starting your studies to know what to expect and what the university will expect from you.
What is a programme syllabus?
Each degree programme must have a programme syllabus stating which courses are included in the programme. The syllabus must also state whether there are any specific entry requirements. The programme syllabus is available on the website of the relevant degree programme.
What is a course syllabus?
A course syllabus is the University's contract with the student. There must be a course syllabus for each course.
The course syllabus contains information on:
- the level of the course (first or second cycle)
- how many credits the course is worth, from the usual 7.5 credits to 30 credits. A 30 credit course studied full-time entails a 40-hour working week.
- any specific entry requirements
- the intended learning outcomes of the course
- the forms of tuition used, such as lectures, lessons, seminars, laboratory sessions
- forms of examination, i.e. different ways of assessing student performance – invigilated written exam, take-home exam, written assignment, oral presentation, paper, laboratory session
- examination opportunities
- a reading list is included in the course syllabus, but if reference literature is included, it is available on the study guide to which you are given access at the start of the course.
Where do I find course syllabi?
To find a course syllabus, use the search function to search for the course title or course code. In the search results, choose the ‟Syllabi" tab. There can be several versions of the course syllabus so check the validity dates carefully. The course syllabi that belong to a study programme are also listed on the programme's website under the ‟Curriculum" tab.
For how long is my course syllabus valid?
Your course syllabus is valid until it is replaced by a new course syllabus for the same course. If you have not completed your course with a pass grade one year after its syllabus has ceased to apply, you may be granted further opportunities to be examined on the previous course syllabus within another two years, after review by an examiner.
When do I know what literature will be used?
The reading list may be reviewed up to eight weeks before the start of the course. Prior to that date, you cannot be certain which literature will be used.
Should I get hold of the literature myself?
Yes, you get your own literature, either by buying or by borrowing it. The University library has at least one copy of all books included in our current study programmes.
If you have reading difficulties because of ADHD, dyslexia or another disability, you are entitled to audiobooks via the library.
When is the timetable for my course set?
The timetable for your course is to be set at the latest three weeks before it starts. For online courses, the timetable is to be set at the latest one week before the start of the course.