Scientific articles - Computer Science & Informatics
Super Search
Super Search enables you to search simultaneously in almost everything in the library's databases – books, articles, e-books, theses, essays, etcetera.
Academic Search Premier
E-journals covering computer engineering, among other subjects.
ACM Digital Library
Citations, fulltext articles, and conference proceedings within IT and programming.
CoRR Computing Research Repository
Fulltext articles in computer science and information technology. From Cornell University.
DBLP Computer Science Bibliography
Reference database with journals and conference proceedings in computer science, informatics, and web production.
E-journals covering information technology, among other subjects.
Google Scholar
Google's search engine för scientific literature. When using this link you can find articles that HKR subscribes for. Click Find it@HKR and login with your student credentials and you then get access to the fulltext article.
E-books in informatics, computer science, and mathematics.
SAGE Journals Online
Scientific articles in social sciences, humanities, and life sciences.
Science Citation Index Expanded (part of Web of Science)
Multidisciplinary index.
E-journals for scientific, medical, and technical research.
"... the premier electronic data source from Springer for researchers in biomedicine, life science, clinical medicine, physics, engineering, mathematics, computer science, humanities, and economics...".