Presentation of speakers
The LDN conference speakers are introduced below:
Anna Nordenstam
Anna is Professor of Literature at the University of Gothenburg and Professor of Swedish with a Didactic focus at the Luleå Technical University. Her research interests are children's and young adult literature, reading literature at different ages, feminist comics and journals. She is currently project leader for the multidisciplinary project “Swedish feminist comics as a medium for political activism and criticism”, financed by The Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) 2019–2022.
Eric Sandberg
Eric completed his PhD at the University of Edinburgh in 2010. He is currently an Assistant Professor at City University of Hong Kong and holds a Docentship at the University of Oulu, Finland. His research interests range from modernism to the contemporary novel, with a particular interest in the borderlands between literary and popular fiction.
Anders Ohlsson & Torbjörn Forslid
Anders and Torbjörn are Professors of Literature at Lund University. Their research focuses on the use of literature, both within the social and literary public and among private readers. They are currently participating in the cross-disciplinary project “Shared reading and social interaction.”