Diploma Supplement
All certificates issued by state universities must be accompanied by a Diploma Supplement (DS) that describes the content and extent of the studies that led to the qualification, among other things.
The Diploma Supplement is intended to facilitate the recognition of higher education study programmes across Europe and in other parts of the world as well, both in academic and employment contexts. The aim is to make it easier for people in higher education to move between different countries for studies or work. Diploma Supplements are issued free of charge and are automatically included when a certificate is obtained.
A Diploma Supplement is:
- an annex to a certificate issued by a university
- an information instrument about the Swedish higher education system intended to facilitate studies or work in Europe for those with a higher education
- an exact and simple source of information that increases understanding of individual qualifications and documents
- always written in English.
A Diploma Supplement is not:
- a substitute for the actual certificate, but an annex to it
- a document that automatically guarantees the recognition of a study programme
- a curriculum vitae (CV).